Friday, May 8, 2020

White before Memorial Day?!

White out
Yesterday I awoke to snow.
Overnight Jack Frost dusted
our community with the white
stuff. Tulips or daffodils may
look jaunty as they peek out
of a sea of white. However it
just might kill them. Some
may think we Montanans live
in a harsh climate. While one
of extremes it has its benefits.
It was sunny and in the sixties
the day prior. And most of the
snow melted before sunset.
Weather or not
For years we've compared Lewistown
weather to where ever we were living
at the time. Dallas aside, daily highs
were often on a par with Chicago and
New York. The major difference were
the lows and thus the question here is
often "how low can you go?" During
summer one can bask in the sun sans
humidity. But must remember to bring
a down jacket for the stroll home that
evening. Yet while one can sleep with
the windows open, theres a chance a
frost may have decimated the garden.
Strip search
Extremes can be tough on one's
body and soul during our long
winters. Having lived in Chicago
and Minneapolis, we're no strangers
to frigid cold. While it's popular to
complain about the weather, why
abhor bright sunshine or sapphire
blue skies? Our local snow birds
flee annually down south to endless
strip malls, palm trees and skin
cancer. Which seems monotonous
at best! So instead we stay put and
savor Montana's seasonal changes.
Hot house variety
Our yin and yang weather can get a
little frosty. Hence Frank starts his
delicate veggies indoors. Once in
the ground, we can get a frost as
early as August. While the zucchini
survive slightly singed, the dainty
varieties require extra attention.
Which is why slowly but surely
Frank stakes out the hot spots in
our backyard and then plants his
babies. But gardening in Montana
requires the heart of a gambler. In
that you may win big or lose it all!