Thursday, May 14, 2020


And on my right...
While I hate to admit it Frank was
as usual absolutely correct. You see
I have a porcelain problem. In that
I have too much. While the scope
of my collection is daunting. It's the
harsh reality of how much room it
takes to store it all. Along with the
time it takes to hand wash it. Along
the way I also lost count of my many
patterns. Hence I can serve twenty
four on several sets. How can I have
been so foolish? Am I  addicted? Can
there too much of a good thing?
Over served
It's not just the china, it's all
the additional accoutrements.
Glassware is also the cause
of my closet case. Part of the
problem is that while living
in multiple locations, I must
have bought multiples. Out
of sight, out of mind so now
that my tabletop babies have
been reunited, I must admit
that I'm a porcelain porcine!
But oh... there is still a thrill
as I open each treasure...
Jet set
While shameful, it's not like I don't
use the stuff. As I survey all of my
fragile finery, the fact is I've used
every single piece. While I do have
my favorites, my table is an equal
opportunity board of fare. Every
pattern will get it's chance to shine
on the appropriate occasion. The
scariest part is that it may be very
possible to not replicate any table
setting for several months. While
hospitable, all of this mania could
put me into the hospital! Asian flu!
Closet case
Slowly I'm gaining the upper hand.
All attempts at editing are futile so
I stack them deep and high. My one
concern is that the walls of Jericho
could come tumbling down. Layer
on top of that the fact that my china
collection is behind glass. Therefore
it must look good! I've organized by
color. Neutrals with gold, browns to
amethyst, persimmon to cinnabar,
indigo to forest green. It's like styling
the tabletop department at Marshall
Field's on State Street all over again!
Home plate
Ultimately it's been worth the
effort. In that the only reason
for having all of these dishes
is to be able to dish it out. As
in hospitality. Our dining room
is large because our hearts are
even larger. Which is why we
welcome those whom we adore.
All of this "stuff" is a necessary
evil when it comes to a dinner
party. And nothing makes me
more happy than creating the
perfect setting just for you!