Tuesday, July 31, 2018


The long way home
Summertime in Montana is beyond glorious.
After a long and merciless winter we savor
these days as the sun shines from above in a
pure blue big sky. Enjoying no humidity and
highs in the seventies to low eighties. Every
night we chill as the temperature falls to the
fifties. All of which means that much like the
swallows of Capistrano lost lambs return to
the fold for at least a week or so. Along with
a broad range of newbies discovering the
joys of life out here in the wild west offers.
All of which requires that we locals meet,
greet, host, feed, and entertain said masses.
Too much of a good thing...
Initially it's rather fun given we just spent six
months in hibernation. However after a few
weeks of endless conviviality - it gets rather
exhausting. Don't get me wrong. We're happy
to have you here. Especially given the benefits
to the local economy are more than worth the
effort. Some of us handle the pressure better
than ever. Yet in a community which literally
goes from feast to famine, you can't blame us
for being overwhelmed. Hence you shouldn't
be surprised if some fo the local eateries run
out of food. Or worse... patience. Obviously
they forgot to prepare for the onslaught.
Back in the saddle again
One thing is certain, We're grateful for all of
your attention. And all too aware that all too
soon this too shall end. Thus when you live
in the middle of no where it's important to be
thankful for whatever you get. Hence most
Montanans rise to the occasion during the
summer season. After all  dishing out western
fantasies for city slickers can be more than
lucrative. However that's not our primary
reason for putting ourselves out June through
September. You see the people crazy enough
to live in a place such as this absolutely love
it. And adore being paid too much attention.
Winter solstice
Montana is a land of extremes. Meaning that
depending on the time of year, our weather is
either brutally cruel or gloriously indulgent.
Such adverse situations force those blessed
enough to live here to easily adapt to almost
any situation. Thus for now we are perfectly
happy dealing with hordes of family, friends,
and first timers. Once hunting season is over
everything will return to normal. Giving us
plenty of time to recoup, regroup, and prepare
for next summer's return engagement. And so
while you're enjoying your summer vacation,
some of us will be dreaming of winter...

Monday, July 30, 2018


Out of order
Many of my lady friends suffer from
insomnia. Try as they might they can't
sleep. Thus like zombies they wander
about the house searching for solace.
Normally I have the opposite problem.
Meaning that some assume that I suffer
from narcolepsy. I usually can nod off
anytime, anywhere. However once in
awhile I'll awaken in the wee hours.
And once I'm up... I might as well get
out of bed. That's because try as I might
NOTHING is going to take me back to
my dreams. Even my worst nightmares!
Nocturnal omissions
The other night said phenomena struck
once more. Looking back there was an
obvious explanation for my sleepless
night. You see, I was more than excited
about the prospect of my eldest and her
family arriving the next day. Therefore
my mind was abuzz with things to do,
places to go, and worries of anything
that might defer our happiness. All of
a sudden I realized that I'd become my
father. Howard worried about everything.
Thus if one was delayed he assumed you
were "dead on the side of the road."
Positive influences
Normally I'm not that type of guy. For
many reasons I'm oblivious to external
factors. My natural preference is to
focus on whatever task is at hand with
laser like optimism. Rarely do I ever
see the glass half empty given an over
abundance of myopic enthusiasm. Don't
get me wrong, I'm as jaded as the next
guy. However rather than consider the
worst, I assume the best. Said approach
rarely lets me down. Yet something was
driving my sudden inability to sleep. So
exactly what was my problem?
A shot in the dark?
Could it be that all of the terror within
our world had finally gotten to me? Let's
be honest, these are scary times. Every
day when I turn on the computer I'm
greeted by another horrible revelation.
Be that global warming, terrorists, or
some new Trump twitter blast. Leaving
us all to wonder what's next. However
I've not willing to be the victim of an
external force's ill will. The odds are
higher that I'll die of old age out here
in nowhere - Central Montana. So why
worry about things beyond my control?
Wake up call
It seems that rather than due to angst,
my impromptu wake up call seems to
have been driven by anticipation. That's
because I was beyond excited about the
impending arrival of my kids. Believe
it or not it's been two years since "E"
was last in Montana. I can't wait to see
my twelve year old grand daughter "M."
And there's the piece de resistance - my
daughter-in-law "K" who really needed
to get away. For weeks I've planned and
planned.. Wanting to make sure we all
have a good time, No wonder I'm busy!
Overnight sensation
I'll admit that at times I can be rather a
control freak. With things to do, places
to go, and people to see one could have
easily filled up their dance cards. Yet
during their week long sojourn my plan
is to do nothing. Except enjoy our time
together and go with the flow. Whether
that mans fishing for "K", dishing with
"E", and shopping with "M".  Which is
why I've under committed. This family
time means that the most important
thing is to enjoy each other's company.
And do absolutely nothing... together!
Dream a little dream for me
Normally there is fourteen hundred miles
between my grand daughter and I. For the
next few days she'll see me for who I am.
A dramatic departure from our visits on
her home turf. I love when she can spend
time with Frank and I in our home. Which
is reason enough to be excited, which may
be the cause of my sleepless nights. Could
this visit be a wake up call? A reminder
that time is short and thus quite precious?
Last night they arrived safe and sound.
Which may be why I slept like a baby.
Proof that dreams do come true!

Sunday, July 29, 2018

7th Day Surprise: WELL READ


The lazy days of summer seem
the perfect time to pick up a good book.
Whether on the beach, terrace, or sofa
nothing is as wonderful as escaping via the written word.

Go ahead,
turn the page
and move onto a new chapter!