Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The best of everything

Good, better, best
I've always found the term "best
friend" rather juvenile. I've been
blessed with a support network
of people who help me navigate
and survive life. Hence it's hard
to pick a one and only. I'm lucky
to share my love with a man who
is if nothing else my soulmate.
Yet at times we all need a friend
who knows us better than most
and is willing to tell us the truth.
And once you find that special
someone - there's nothing better.
Pick of the litter
For many it's hard to identify their
"bestie". However for me, it's easy.
Almost forty years ago I met "T"
at Pratt. From that moment on we
"clicked" and ever since we have
been thicker than Lucy and Ethel.
Throughout almost a lifetime, we
have been there and done that for
each other. Most important, we've
always told each other the truth.
And oddly, we've never had a big
argument or a fight. Well... at least
not one that I can remember.
Two of a kind
Spouses have come and gone yet
our bond has only grows stronger.
Somehow it just gets better. We
don't agree on everything but are
always simpatico. At this point
I doubt we can remember all that
we've been through, Yet there has
never been a moment where her
support and friendship didn't make
a difference. Some find it odd that
a man and a woman can share such
a bond. If you're confused, simply
watch any rerun of Will & Grace!
Easy does it
It's always been easy. We laugh at
each other's jokes, share a love for
the finer things in life, and trust the
other implicitly. There isn't a thing
I wouldn't tell her and vice versa.
After eons together we both share
a history that links us in ways few
can understand. Hence we speak a
secret language that most consider
indecipherable. Fortunately Frank
has connected with "T" on a deep
level. So at least in our case, three
is most definitely not a crowd.
Feeling bullish
Today is "T's" birthday. Given we're
born one day apart, we're more than
full of bull. I don't know what you
think about astrology. However I
believe that those born under the
sign of Taurus are bonded in ways
few can understand. Over the years
the people I've "clicked" with have
all been bullish. And while I don't
read my horoscope on a daily basis,
there's something about being a
Taurean that makes me be me and
"T" be "T." And that's... no bull.
Saving the best for last
Soon "T" arrives for an extended
Montana sojourn. I doubt we'll
do much of anything while she's
here. You see we've already been
there... done that. So beyond we
two boring everyone with tales
from the crypt, we'll wallow in
in the simple pleasure of each
other's company. That comfort
level is one of life's greatest gifts.
So for today I wish "T" a happy
birthday and quote Bob Hope -
"Thanks for the memories!"