Saturday, July 20, 2013

Get me out of here!


Push Ups
It seems that everybody in Manhattan has to be going somewhere out of town every weekend. There's an element of pretension that goes along with this ritual. I can't understand it and my friend "C" says the reason why we abhor posturing is because "we've already done it all." That sage thinking requires a separate blog. For now, rather than focus on others, I'm spending this weekend taking care of moi.
Home Stretch
After two workout sessions I'm "done".
Unfortunately my weekend assignment
is to exercise on each of my "off days".
While I'm still learning the lingo and
routine, I already know that what I'm
supposed to do is rather uncomfortable.
Therefore I'd prefer to just forget.
However my trainer Amanda doesn't
seem to be the forgetful type. So I must
start each day off with a series of banal
movements designed to limber me up.

Number Crunch
In addition I'm required to keep a food and sleep diary. Talk about a bitch slap of reality! One may think they eat fairly well until the evidence is actually out there in black and white. Fact is I seem to cheat occasionally throughout the day and those missteps obviously set me back more than anything else. The only thing I've done fairly well at is limit my vino consumption to one
glass daily, knock on Cabernet!

Sissy Squat
I'm escaping to Sandy Hook this
morning. I love the 8 a.m. ferry
ride to the beach. We cruise the
Hudson around the Battery and
then cut straight across the bay.
On the beach nothing is better
than communing with all of the
other poor souls who have lost
their battles of the bulge!
Spin Class 
Saturday night I'll return home to
Manhattan. There's nothing I love
more than a quiet evening at home.
I struggle with living sans Frank.
To fill the void I dine out often yet
at some point I want to just stay at
home. Rather than sit and sulk I
prefer to leverage that "me" time
wisely. Often doing my laundry,
ironing, and paying the bills.
Cool Down
I'm not sure what will happen on
Sunday, but it will be my day.
NO pressure. NO schedule.
NO hassles. NO commitments!
I may sleep in or hit the beach.
I may attend mass or evening
services. I may go shopping or
sew on that lost shirt button.
One thing is certain, I will relax.
And... maybe work out a little.