Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Early to bed... early to rise

Early Bird Special
I've been an early riser for most of my life. There's something wonderful about being the only person awake. The silence, solitude, and serenity are quite amazing. I find that my early hours are my most productive and therefore beyond satisfying.
Sunrise Express
Many of my friends are early birds. They know that I may respond to an e-mail or text before 7 a.m. And that a quick "can you talk?" query can initiate a hushed call. That's the best way to get the best of me.
Scrambled lightly
I must admit that I'm often not in full form before dawn. It all depends on what I consumed the previous evening. Fortunately coffee quickly brings clarity (with an Advil chaser). After I consume a pot of java I'm fully functional, and ready for battle.
Over Easy
After eighteen years I know that yin and yang are the key to a successful relationship. My better half starts his day at least four hours later than I do. That time is "my time". On the rare occasion that he arises earlier than usual, he knows it's better to stay out of my "space".
Wake Up Call
Most important, I use these early hours to write my blog. That's when my head is clear, my heart is open, and the words just seem to flow. Plus I can't think of anything better than starting my day off with you.