Friday, November 3, 2017


Town & country
As many of you know, I spend most
of my time in two places - New York
City and Lewistown Montana. Many
folks are fascinated as to why we've
chosen to make Lewistown "home".
As home is where the heart is, family
and friends made our choice easy. Yet
in truth the odds have always been in
Lewistown's favor. We love it! Thus
I struggle with the negative dialogue
buzzing in town during the election
process for four City Commissioner
seats. Are things as bad as some say?

To do list
I simply can't understand how anybody can
be so blind. There are MANY reasons why
we love Lewistown. Some may consider
me a "newbie" and hence ignorant of the
facts. However along the way I've learned
all of the reasons why our community is the
BEST. There are a plethora of local assets
that can easily take Lewistown to "next."
All we need is to celebrate them. Our only
option is to move forward yet some seem
to be trying to hold us back. Following are
just a few reasons why I believe the best is
yet to come for Lewistown. Am I right?!

Location, location, location
Few argue that Lewistown is situated in
one of Montana's most beautiful spots.
Surrounded by five mountain ranges, our
views are breathtaking. However I find
the seemingly endless prairie vistas even
more inspiring. Then of course there's the
big sky which more often than not is an
amazingly brilliant blue. Close by are the
Missouri River Breaks with a dramatic
shift in terrain which in itself is unique.
So much so that William Clark named
the Judith River after his soon to be wife.
Everyone falls in love with this place!

Under water
All one has to do is drink a glass of cold
water from any tap to realize that we are
very lucky to live here. In many places
the H2o is anything but pure - while our
our water is 99.9% pure and completely
untreated. All of this simply bubbles up
from the ground a few miles outside of
town from the immense Madison aquifer.
One of the biggest springs in the world -
said gift from God flows at a rough rate
of 60,000 gallons per minute. Then rolls
through town via the winding trout filled
Big Spring Creek. I'll drink to that!

History repeats itself
Fueled by an early twentieth century
homesteading boom, Lewistown hit
it's peak in optimism prior to World
War One. Hence our town abounds
with prime architectural examples
from that period. Post losing many
historic structures during the end of
the twentieth century, our downtown
contains a cluster of architecturally
significant buildings. Yet rather than
treasure them, some suggest we tear
them down. That's why many strive
to protect and reinvigorate our core!

Ready, set, go!
Our forefathers provided Lewistown and
Fergus County with a solid infrastructure
to build upon. Leveraging said resources,
central Montana has grown into what is
now considered a "manufacturing hub."
Many locally based businesses thrive
beyond all expectations. Among their
only limitations to growth are attracting
a large labor pool, providing them with
the quality housing they desire, plus the
proper amenities that lure new residents
to a community. Thats why so many are
working to make it happen. Are you?

Don't fence me in
Many consider our part of the world a
veritable hunter's paradise. So much so
that at least two billionaires have been
buying and fencing thousands of acres
to protect their turf and keep the rest of
us out. Few locals seem to realize just
how precious easy public access to our
amazing hunting grounds is. Nor how
important those who come into town to
hunt and peck are to our economy. That's
why we must partner with public and non
profit organizations to protect access for
all. Shouldn't neighbors act neighborly?

Uniquely ours
The heart of Montana has many sights to see.
Hike up to Crystal Lake's Ice Caves to chill
out. Or tour Bear Gulch considered one of
the largest concentration of pictographs and
petroglyphs created by ancient indigenous
people in the world. One can hit mile upon
miles of trails throughout the five ranges of
mountains that surround us. Or you can ride
the rails as you dine on the Charlie Russell
Chew Choo. To be honest,  it might take
a few years to see and do all that our area
has to offer. Yet when asked "what to do"
few locals seem to have any answers!

Go fish
Drive down almost any country road here
in central Montana and you'll come across
a sign pointing to some free access fishing
hole. The fact is this area is teeming with
some of the best fishing in North America.
For just under $100 any outsider can get a
season fishing license and soon thereafter
hook whatever they find. All that's needed
is the time and patience to capture the best
that this bit of heaven has to offer. You can
even drop a line as you sip your beer at the
venerable Montana Tavern on Main Street!
Or dine on sushi grade tuna at The Mint!

We couldn't live without it
The fact is we have just about everything we
need right here in the middle of "no where".
Having intimate experience with hospitals all
over the U.S., our Central Montana Medical
Center offers treatment equal if not far better
than most. That's because CMMC leadership,
doctors, nurses, and staff truly care about us.
They partner with hospitals across Montana
to bring the best to Lewistown and if needed
fly patients to wherever is best for them. All
proving that our local medical facilities are
invaluable assets. Add several assisted living
and nursing homes and you're set for LIFE!

Love for sale
Over 100 homes in the Lewistown are
are  currently listed on Zillow. One can
live in town or out and about - it's your
choice. From historic homes like the
one shown right  to vast ranches such as
Sam's Big Spring Creek spread (above)
with five hundred acres and world class
trout fishing literally outside your door.
Or you can build your dream home any
where for miles around. Our challenge
is attracting prospective buyers with the
vision, cash, and patience to restore our
history. How about you? Get moving!

Nice work if you can get it
Most of us need cash to live. As of now
there are over 100 jobs available here in
Lewistown on the Montana State Job
Service website. Everything from the
Executive Director for a non-profit to
Infirmary Manager for Montana state
prisoners to skilled laborers, nurses,
hospitality staff, and more. In addition
many of our largest employers are on
the search for top notch talent ready to
move to central Montana. Thus almost
any lawyer, doctor, or chief can easily
start a conversation. Pack your bags!

Wait there's more!
While some claim central Montana is
struggling, it's never been better. Last
year our revived city pool opened. All
across town new sidewalks and curbs
have been installed. In addition major
local road construction projects have
been completed. Hotels, restaurants are
booked with visitors who love all that
we take for granted. Our manufacturing
and construction employers are busier
than ever. Allied SteelCenturyHigh
HeatJamison HCRSpikato list a
few. So... do I really need I say more?!