Monday, July 28, 2014


Under cover
Oddly enough, when you purchase
a residence, many often don't factor
in the cost of selecting and installing
proper window treatments. Living
in a hi-rise, concerns about giving
one's neighbors a show are often not
an issue. However moving down to
a lower plane suddenly makes life
a bit too intimate. Most of us prefer
to keep ours privates... private.  So
we embarked on the heady task of
covering up the scene of the crime.
And trust me... it almost killed us!!
Open a new window
This isn't my first time. I've lived in many
homes and therefore have learned to enjoy
the benefits of multiple window solutions.
In my first abode, we hung the requisite
Williamsburg swags and jabots. Later on
during my Mario Buatta phase, I puddled
my glazed pink chintz curtains. Over the
years since things have evolved to a more
tailored approach. Meaning we've had it
all from fitted shutters to roman shades to
venetian blinds to solar roller shades! Each
served their purpose and thankfully they
were already hung prior to our moving in.
Over the top
It's all about fashion. Dressing one's
windows is almost the same process
as building a wardrobe. Depending
on the venue, one may don a quite
different ensemble. It must be both
practical and appropriate. Layering
adds an element of luxury however
too much of a good thing is exactly
that... too much! There are a plethora
of options out there and as with most
decorative indulgences, simply sifting
through the mound can be more than
overwhelming. Too many choices!
Behind the scenes
When you have to drape or cover over eighty
windows, the task of simply chronicling one's
selections alone is daunting. That's why we're
keeping things easy with a window repertoire
for The Passion Pit. Many rooms will sport
wooden blinds fitted into the window frames.
Historically accurate, they'll control light,
air flow, and maintain privacy. In hot spots
such as our Sun Room, solar roller shades
will let the sun in while insuring we won't
get sun stroke. For a final flourish, we plan
to hang roman shades on the stair landing
and in our dining room. LESS IS MORE!
Do it yourself?
We're hanging curtains in only two key
rooms. Grey french pleated heavy linen
in the Master Bedroom and chocolate
brown raw silk in the Living Room. In
times past we've always hired experts
to measure and install our curtains. Not
here in the wild west! Instead I decided
to do it myself and then order it all from
Restoration Hardware. After spending
the equivalent of the purchase price of
a small vehicle, I was seriously nervous.
Hopefully I didn't miss measure or this
time it might be curtains for me!
Better safe than...
As we prepared to hang the hardware,
I worried that the curtains as ordered
might too short. Early that morning
Frank and I pulled out a panel and
climbed up the step ladder. Balancing
a curtain rod, various rings, plus heavy
Thai silk is not easy. Fortunately we
were able to successfully navigate the
positioning of said accoutrements. Even
more fortunate, I'd measured correctly!
Casement closed
As the sun sets, we will pull our new
curtains close on the final chapter of
the Passion Pit interior. While it took
a year and a half, our home is now a
home. And all of our careful planning
and preparation has finally paid off.
With few exceptions, everything has
turned out to be more than we ever
dreamed. We've learned a lot during
this process. Specifically that your
contractor and crew are the difference
between happiness and despair. We
couldn't have done it without them!