Saturday, April 5, 2014


First Fibs
I haven't been totally honest with
you. As I've been crowing "less
is more" we've been shopping for
the Passion Pit. Our new home is
move in ready in May. That has
forced us to peruse our floor plan
and figure out what goes where.
We assumed we had enough in
our overstuffed condo, packed to
the top storage locker, and boxed
contents of our Dallas apartment.
After actually putting it all in it's
proper place, we were WRONG!
Empty nesters
Sadly, we need a few more items.
OK, I'm the first to acknowledge
the traditional stereotype of gay
men and yes... we love to shop!
That said, we really thought we
wouldn't have to buy anything.
While the house is spacious, our
actual living space is quite livable.
However in order to make it so,
we discovered that a several key
items were missing. Hence a list.
It's not like we're starting from
scratch but honey, IT'S A LOT!
Go with the flow
Our new living room is large.
Nothing we had fit the flow.
Therefore we dragged down
to Mitchell Gold to purchase
two sofas and two chairs. We
walked the floor, swatched our
guts out, and finally selected
the perfect items. Now they're
whipping them up somewhere
in the Carolinas for delivery in
May. Like dominos, one thing
leads to another and suddenly
we realized we needed more!
What lies beneath
Big rooms have big floors and hence
require big rugs. Carpet shopping is
a bit threatening. Monstrous mounds
sit waiting for your review. Eager
salesmen must flip the deck as one
selects. Somehow this pressure must
force some to buy given all the hard
work these boys put into selling. We
are simply not ready to rush. In the
end we must love what's under foot.
The last thing we need is to have to
ship a heavy rug back to an irate
Through the glass darkly
With over eighty windows, we've
got gobs of glass to garb. We will
purchase the majority of window
coverings in Lewistown. Given
the vintage of our home, classic
venetian blinds are de rigeur. Yet
we will need some curtains and
so our search for ready made or
fabric. We want to keep it simple
as the last thing two boys like us
need is too many flounces in the
house. So up and down town we
go, searching and swatching!
Over the line
I'm certain that once everything is in
place, we'll have forgotten something.
Fortunately with 1st Dibs and e-bay,
I'm confident we won't be left high
and dry out under Montana's Big Sky.
That said, it's rather hard to buy the
right 12 x 18 carpet on-line. Given
we live in the best of both worlds
we'll hunt and peck till we find one!
So much to do, such little time...