Sunday, May 5, 2013

7th Day Surprise - Moscow PA

Meet Me In Moscow
I recently came across this menu for the Ritz Grill Club.
At one time quite a posh spot, I was more than intrigued.

So, I tried to find out more about The Ritz Grill Club but alas, no details.
Elmhurst Pennsylvania
is located about 67 miles from Scranton,
A tiny township of 894,
it might be considered a suburb of Moscow, 
population 2,026.

Which begs the question... 
How many locals were craving 
champagne, caviar or camembert 
in the late 1930s?! 
Maybe the Grill attracted revelers from Scranton?
The revue must have been awfully good to drive over an hour to get there.
Hmmm... doesn't it all make you wonder?

If you ever visit Moscow...
On the way Scrantonites might have passed Blue Shutters.
This venerable establishment has served Moscow since 1928.
If you can't dine on caviar, at least you can still get a Veal Chop Milanese.
Bon appetit!