Friday, February 2, 2018


Right of way
By nature I'm a rather passionate chap. Once
given a job I focus on it like a laser. Zeroing
in on whatever it will take to achieve success.
Inevitably under such circumstances - nothing
and nobody gets in my way. And often such
purposeful myopia yields collateral damage.
While limited visibility guarantees focus on
the task at hand, it frequently insures that one
drops the ball. Hence the reason why so many
workaholics end up living alone in a solitary
existence. At some point those left behind in
the dust simply walk away. And who wants
to be the winner of a losing proposition?
Singular sensation
Layered on top of my self-induced near sighted
orientation lurks an urban outlook. One that is
naturally equipped with blinders. Sharing one's
world with millions of other folks clouds your
perspective. Hence rather than be distracted a
city dweller learns to ignore external influences.
Which explains my inability to see the world
around me - especially while I'm in a grocery
store. I'm focused on checking off my list and
not on checking out my fellow shoppers. Thus
It's not that I don't want to say hello. It's simply
that I'm incapable of doing two things at once.
Yet another side effect of my limited visibility.
Out of this world
At times being focused on a project at hand
causes one to be heavy handed. Rejecting
the concept of a group dynamic can initially
seem beneficial. However limiting oneself
within one's sphere of influence eliminates
the world at large. It's impossible to know
what you're missing if you've never seen it.
The truth is that the best ideas develop via
a variety of sources. Operating in a group
dynamic inevitably breeds success. What's
required is keeping an open mind within an
open forum. Thus the best of control freaks
ultimately accept that they can't do it alone.
Upsetting precedences
Some consider the most ardent of organizers
arrogant. Yet playing within the rules creates
a context within which innovation can thrive.
Creativity is all about putting ordinary things
together in the most extraordinary of ways.
Hence thinking outside of the box requires
that one build off established parameters in
order to achieve success. When setting a table
the forks must go on the left and knives to the
right. However said stringent guidelines still
leave room for innovation. Thus it's up to the
host or hostess to choose the elements that
will combine to create a memorable event.
Now or never
Late last summer I exited the corporate arena
once again. While disappointed, I was rather
excited about the prospect of doing something
different. Slowly over the next few months
Frank and I saw the light. And suddenly the
prospect of "next" became my singular focus.
Since then said major distraction has shifted
me away from my other responsibilities. Thus
I'll admit that I've haven't been the most ardent
husband, father, or friend. Yet honestly, it just
couldn't be helped. All I know is that sooner
not later our dreams will are finally coming to