Thursday, September 24, 2020

Are you happy with yourself yet?

To each their own
In life most of us search for just one thing -
HAPPINESS. Said pursuit has nothing to do
with reality. Nor is it clearly defined by one
collectively common goal. For good and bad
reasons each of our individual nirvanas are
as diverse as we are. Hence what makes you
smile just might irritate the hell out of me.
In addition - as we age our definition of the
sublime evolves. Meaning that in truth the
majority of us are rarely "happy." Thus many
spend the bulk of our existence searching for
the emotional equivalent of the holy grail. It
may be out there but nobody has found it yet.

Once in awhile
We humans are complex beings. Genetically
our natural orientation is to adapt to ANY
situation. Much of our lives are spent reacting
to external forces. Embracing and/or rejecting
factors that have little to nothing to do with us.
Yet we've no choice but to make the best of
the situation and learn to love what we're stuck
with. Often when confronted by challenging
times that's when illumination finally dawns
upon our limited spheres of influence. All of
a sudden fate capriciously flips our "happy"
switch and we're in a good place. One which
while it may be fleeting must be enjoyed.

Surprise party
My greatest moments of joy were driven by
random happenstance. Like looking out of a
window as my children played. Or the view
of Frank strolling ahead of me. At times it's
been a burst of spring blossoms or autumn's
bright hues. Or that perfect dinner party when
everything went right. In truth there isn't any
formula for success. Which means that we
all must be open to whatever comes our way.
And willing to stop and savor any moment
of sheer, unadulterated bliss. However few
can see said forest for the trees. Mostly due
to the messes that we ALL put ourselves in.

Heaven or hell?
I don't know about you but I personally don't
relish playing the role of a martyr. Trudging
through life may have been heaven for Mother
Theresa. Yet for me such self-sacrifice might
be hell. I can't help but question my jaded
perspective. In truth I'm certain that the lady
herself derived no greater pleasure than when
denying her own needs. Overt deprivation was
her ticket to heaven - both above and here on
earth. Once again reinforcing my theory that
nirvana is an uncommon denominator.  What
is most important is that each of us willingly
participate in our individual trips to bountiful.