Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Time well spent
One has to admit that many good things have
come out of our Covid 19 confinement. Local
hardware stores and nurseries across the nation
have seen record sales. Meaning in Lewistown
there are flowers for sale. Providing a chance
for others to fill the need and cash in. All of
which seems to indicate that most used their
time at home to focus on home sweet home.
My eldest daughter in Michigan has spent the
last three months outside. Clearing, pruning,
planting, and now weeding. Hence like "E"
most of us have checked off our long ignored
"honey do" lists. But was it time well spent?
Food for thought
During our viral purgatory many families have
rediscovered the pleasure of their company.
Sharing a meal for the first time in years. Adult
children are working from home. Their parent's
that is. Returning to the nest rather than sitting
at home alone. Happy to have their parents feed
their souls and do their laundry post a long day
on-line. Meanwhile quite a few parents on hiatus
have been working harder than ever given they
had to tend their tots themselves. A gift given
that we all grow up too fast. Others took on-line
classes, wrote a novel, or finally put a brush to
canvas. Finding that limited access can be fun!
Game changer
As America attempts to get back to "normal"
I can't help but wonder if that's a good thing.
Could it be that we gained more than we lost
while staying close to home? Rediscovering
that less is more. And that many of the things
we previously took for granted are far more
precious that we ever realized. Given we are
still in stage one of our viral crisis - chances
are we may hunker down once more. Which
may not only save lives... but transform them.
Causing us to find that in the end, we gained
more than we lost. Therefore until a vaccine
saves us, let's be thankful for time well spent.