Saturday, September 30, 2017


Cheaters never prosper?
Infidelity is the most specious of betrayals. It
lures one half with the delusion that there may
be something better out there. While unnerving
the other with the discovery that whatever they
have may not be enough. Now that we've back
in Manhattan one can't help but feel as if we're
cheating on Lewistown. While our hearts are
back "home" we're enjoying all of the benefits
of being back in civilization. Living once again
in a magical Alibaba treasure trove of delights
is if nothing both distracting and consuming.
Thus for the last few days we've been deep in
catch up mode. And enjoying every moment...
Hair today...
Yesterday we both got hair cuts. Frank hit his
posh chop shop that he has frequented on/off
for over three decades. Meanwhile I ventured
to a new yet reassuringly old joint to have my
ears lowered. Chelsea Gardens Barber Shop
has been operating in the same location for as
long as I've tread this town. Still run by fourth
generation experts - it's humbly hip in a very
New York sort of way. There I met Rudy who
also tends Anderson Cooper's coif. And for
twenty two dollars got the best haircut I have
had in ages. Hence by the end of the day we
two looked and felt much better. A cut above!
Home cookin'
If nothing else our return to Manhattan is
a reunion with old friends. Yesterday we
dined at Ootoya, the Japanese equivalent
of a comfort food diner. However by that
night, we were once again confronted by
the reality that there can be too much of
a good thing. One certainly doesn't suffer
from a lack of options in the Big Apple.
However at least for these two inveterate
foodies - deciding on where to eat can be
challenging. Frank loves to explore while
his sedentary spouse prefers to stay close
to home. Decisions, decisions, decisions!
More or less
Back in Lewistown our eatery options are quite
limited. Often leaving us with no choice but to
fend for ourselves. Here in the city that never
sleeps one could dine at a different spot within
a ten block radius for a year or more. However
I prefer to limit my options. Which is very easy
when one shops their neighborhood market in
Manhattan. It has oft been said that size matters.
Like a major league hot shot - our local grocer
packs a wallop within a rather limited arena.
The difference between here and there is what
the locals consider to be staples. Think side pork
versus tripe. Crisco versus extra virgin olive oil.
Limited engagement
We're blessed to have the Judith Theater in
Lewistown. However it's rare that they run
anything we want to see. It's obvious that
the locals want action and animated flicks.
Meanwhile all we've been waiting to see is
"Victoria & Abdul" starring Judi Dench. In
Montana that may only happen on DVD or
Netflix. Whereas here in Manhattan we can
stroll down to the other end of our block
where it's showing at the Paris Theater. And
even the matinee will be packed with movie
lovers. So happily we two fish out of water
are once again back in the swim of things!
East or west, home is best
Home is where the heart is. Yet post our
return to Manhattan it's become obvious
that we're torn between two lovers. For
the next month we'll enjoy the best of
both worlds while hosting transplants from
way out west. Shepherding friends and
family about town gives us great pleasure.
Seeing this city through their eyes reminds
us of just how lucky we are. By the time
Thanksgiving rolls around, we'll be ready
for a return engagement in Lewistown. In
the meantime we'll enjoy each and every
moment back "home" where we belong.