Friday, January 24, 2014

Love for sale...

Addicted to love?
I pride myself on knowing the
finer things in life. That said,
there's nothing I love more than
a bargain. Don't get me wrong,
I'm not your average skin flint.
The truth is I get a thrill out of
knowing more than most others.
Knowledge is power and there's
no place to leverage your smarts
than on ebay! Get more for less!
Seventh heaven
As you know, one of my favorite
haunts is Bergdorf Goodman's
seventh floor. Specifically, their
antique china room. For a china
freak like me, it's as addictive as
a crack house. Every inch fuels
my compulsion for porcelain.
While I adore scoping out this
treasure trove, I find most of
the prices obscenely high. That
means that I almost NEVER buy
anything. After I've seen an item
I must have, I rush home to ebay!
For the birds
Frank says I've never met a china
pattern I don't like! Years ago I
came upon a huge pile of Adams
Chinese Bird on a center table at
BG. Love at first sight, I started to
amass my own sizable collection
via ebay. As the deliveries mounted,
so did Frank's ire. Finally he called
from Montana to tell me that I had
a problem and must see somebody.
Oddly he dialed as I was trolling
the aisles at BG. He knew I had
just purchased a Chinese Bird
covered vegetable dish on ebay
for $35. Now on a shelf sat the
exact same dish. The difference
was their tag at $795.00! OMG!
Best bet
Calmly I shared my news and then
suggested that stacking plates was
better than infidelity, gambling, or
other addictions. We all need thrills
and grabbing a dish you love for
Nada qualifies. It works both ways.
My friend frequents thrift shops on
the day that estate sale dregs are
dropped off. She bags bargains and
then sells them on ebay for over ten
times more. Still well below what
the hoi polloi pays on the plaza.
Spin cycle
There is a cycle to life and finding a deal
is as thrilling as running with the bulls.
In the process something nobody loved
benefits all. A family cleans out Gram's
attic. Some charity gets some cash. My
friend makes a tidy profit. And I get a
dish I want for less. Hmm... the only
loser seems to be Bergdorf Goodman.
And yet, I'm sure they're doing just fine.
All the more reason I need more dishes!