Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Too hot to handle!
Last night I attended a charity gala here at Cipriani. I'm not sure whether it was the monkey suit or a lack of air conditioning, or both. All I know is that I sweated profusely all evening!
Hot or Cold?
It seems that I only have two body temperatures - boiling or freezing. Having never experienced such dramatic shifts in personal climate before, my only explanation is that I must be going through a male version of "the change".

Don't go changing...
Stop laughing! I'm not the first man to experience a dramatic hormonal shift. Mind you, my problem is only temperature related. I can assure you that everything else is operating just as well as it always has! But more and more I don't have the same energy I once had. Nor can I find a comfort zone when it comes to my personal climate. I sweat, I shiver, I shower!

Off and On
So, what explains my complete
lack of personal climate control? 
Between us, I must confess that 
I've put on a little extra weight. 
Could that be the cause of my 
shifting internal thermometer?!
Fortunately I've found the answer, 
All day I simply act like a stripper. 
My sweater or jacket goes on 
and off, on and off! That's the 
only way I've found to regulate 
my internal highs and lows.
Boys will be boys...
Aging is inevitable. Like it or not we're all getting older. For whatever reason men foolishly fight it till the bitter end. What could be worse than Grecian Formula and a comb over?!
Maybe an eight hour erection caused by an overdose of Viagra! Anti-climatic isn't it?!

Signs of the times...
Lately I've noticed that I'm not at the top of my game.  Like the whistle on a tea kettle, my body is sending me the message that I'm not as young as I once was. Remember that old Chevy? If you drove it too hard and fast it would quickly overheat! Guess it's time to slow down and let life flow. Geritol anyone?