This 1913 photo above was taken inside
Powers Merchantile, Lewistown Montana.
In peril of demolition, this is the same
building discussed in yesterdays blog.
As we transform the Money Pit,
we're doing our best to buy local.
It's our responsibility to support our
merchant neighbors. And equally, it's
their task to satisfy our wants and
needs. Otherwise, community assets
may quickly become parking lots.
The other evening I saw an ad on TV.
American Express has developed a program
in support of small business. It encourages
all Americans to "shop small" and buy locally.
While I loathe exorbitant credit card rates,
BRAVO American Express!
is not always easy. Especially
when you're a pair of hot shots
with a very specific list of items.
As we get deeper into the
process, beyond lumber and
furnaces, it's a bit of a challenge
finding the right stuff in town.
But we're committed to making
a difference here in Lewistown.
No matter what it takes.
It's curtains for us...
Heavy belgian linen that is.
Sure it might be easier to order
them from Restoration Hardware.
But then,
where does our money go?
What community does it help?
We're going local if possible.
Our upholsterer had many
sample books. But nothing
came close to what we wanted.
Then, we showed her some
fabric samples we secured
prior to leaving Dallas.
Now she's on the hunt.
Next, we have to find someone
to make our newfound yardage
into lined and fabulous curtains.
We plan to paper our new
dining room in dark tobacco
brown grasscloth.
However, our paint store
no longer sells wallpaper.
Sadly it seems that locals
borrowed his books and
then ordered from on-line
Fortunately our local
Decorating Den still does.
But unfortunately they don't
have a book of grasscloth
samples. So, I've been
ordering samples on-line.
Through trial and error
we'll get the right tone.
Then we'll order it here.
If all else fails, ebay!
I know many of you are now chuckling. Addictions aside, what I like best about ebay is that most of it's merchants are small businesses or individuals. So, if I can't get it in Lewistown, I plan to hit ebay!