Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Once is not enough
Today was my Mother's favorite "holiday."
April Fools Day allowed Ethel to torture all
around her. Enabling her to leverage love
and trust to terrorize with countless pranks.
Thus post a lifetime as prey to my mother's
caprice, I miss her most every April first.
One of the key attributes of an April Fools
joke is the element of surprise. Of suddenly
being confronted with the unexpected. Or
convinced that purposeful fiction is fact. A
phenomena that for many Americans is not
limited to one day a year. Sadly millions are
manipulated by falsehoods on a daily basis.
Fool's gold
One could play the fool like spring breakers
on a beach. The mistake we make is taking
any thing at face value. Or worse, ignoring
reality. Some use our vulnerability to their
advantage. Hence one must fact check prior
to reaching a conclusion. Separating facts
from fiction in our search for truth. We all
know that anyone can twist the data to our
disadvantage. Therefore one must dig deep
to find impartial illumination. Which is very
hard work. Hence the reason so many opt to
do whatever they're' told. Placing our trust
in the unwashed hands of dirty scoundrels.
Deferred engagement
When it comes to gossip it's best to err on
the conservative side. Not as in politics but
in reserving our judgement. As relates to
our current Coronavirus crisis - ultimately
the truth will find us out. However in the
meantime, better to over react than risk the
lives of millions.  Conspiracy theories and
hidden agendas aside we need to take care
of ourselves. Which means that we all must
set our respective skepticism aside. And to
behave in a hyper conscious manner for the
good of all mankind. So please don't be an
April fool. Otherwise the joke will be on us.