I've been an early riser for most
of my life. It's quite wonderful
to be amongst the few people
awake. The silence, solitude,
and serenity are quite amazing.
I find my earliest hours are my
most productive and therefore
beyond satisfying. It's heaven!
Many of my friends are early
birds. They know that I may
respond to an e-mail or text
before 7 a.m. And that a quick
"can you talk?" query initiates
a hushed call. The earlier the
better to get the best of me.
Scrambled lightly
I must admit that I'm not in full
form before dawn. It all depends
on what I ate or drank the prior
evening. Fortunately some java
quickly brings clarity (with an
Advil chaser). After I consume
a pot of coffee I'm functioning,
And ready for the daily grind.
After twenty four years I know
that yin and yang are the key to
a successful relationship. My
better half starts his day at few
hours later than I do. That time
gap is all mine. And on the rare
occasion that he arises earlier
than usual, he knows it's better
and stays out of my "space."
Most important, I use these wee
hours to write this blog. That's
when my head is clear, my heart
open, and the words just seem to
flow. Therefore I can't think of
anything better than starting my
day off with my dear followers!