Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Come on get happy!

Let's cut straight to the chase.
Is there anybody out there who
doesn't dread the forcedly fake
celebratory glee of New Years
Eve? Let me ask another way -
have any of you ever enjoyed
ANY New Years Eve event?
Fools or drunks aside, anybody
who's truly honest must admit
that they never, I repeat never
have fun as the clock strikes
twelve. Few if any truly relish
ringing in a new year en masse.
Could this be driven by my aversion to champagne? While quite a few adore a bit of the bubbly, I can't stand the stuff. Many seem to think a bottle of bubbly is the perfect gift. In my opinion it is much better to give champagne than to receive it.
Let alone... drink it.
When I first came out, I journeyed from
Chicago to Manhattan with a boyfriend.
For New Years Eve, he kindly booked
a table at Twenty One. After dining on
a lovely repast, dancing began. For an
hour we sat on the sidelines watching
our doughy straight counterparts do the
box step. Then... my escort decided to
step out of the box. He stood up, took
my hand, and led me onto the crowded
dance floor. Our fellow dancers moved
to the edge as they watched us cut a rug.
I could have danced all night!
For many holidays Frank and
I celebrated our Christmas on
New Year's Eve. After visiting
our respective families, this was
our time to ring each other's bell.
Rather than forced fun, it was a
time of togetherness, sharing,
and celebrating our partnership.
What better way to start a year?
I've spent several New Years
Eves in bed... sick! My theory
is that after the mania of the
holidays, our immunity to all
of the worlds ills is weakened.
Hence several bouts of the flu
as the great ball descended.
What better excuse for missing
a New Years Eve bash? Plus
you may lose a few pounds!
For several years Frank and I have celebrated the evening with his Mother and Father and other family members. We dine out and return home early to avoid any revelers. This year we plan to do the same. After all, what better way is there to ring in 2014 than with a 90 and 95
year old pair of party animals?