Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Closed for business
I don't know about you but holidays are farces
at best. Labor Day is supposed to be all about
chilling, doing nada, recharging, and eating
oneself to oblivion. Yet for many reasons - at
this point of my "retired" life - I just spent my
entire weekend working. You see, like it or
not I committed to making something happen.
Which is a retail store offering antiques and
sundry home accoutrements. My challenge is
I'd no idea how much work it would be. And
at this point in my life, I question whether it's
worth the time and effort. Can somebody tell
me exactly how did I get myself in this mess?
Deferred investment?
Often we blithely go where we've no intention
of going. Rarely brave, instead it's an exercise
in ignorance. You see I didn't understand what
I was doing when I started this whole damned
thing. Which is how I've approached almost
anything new in my entire life. The difference
now is that I should know better. After busting
my balls forever I know that a new enterprise
requires a maximum commitment that yields
a minimum payout. This is not my first rodeo.
I started an advertising agency eons ago and
after much time and effort, it was a success.
So why start something new this late in life?
Ready and waiting
Sans pain there is no gain. Which means that
the start of anything good demands months
if not years of sweat and tears. And while
beyond exhausted, I'm also excited about my
prospects. After all most of what drives one's
success leverages common sense mixed with
a dash of problem solving. And what could
be more invigorating than that?! Anything
that comes easily is inevitably pedestrian.
So this exercise in adult education is a wise
investment. It's pushed me back in the game.
And while I may lose, the process itself is a
winning proposition that's worth the effort!