Thursday, November 20, 2014


I suddenly realized that life is like
the subway. Few of us ever ride the
full extent of the line. Instead we get
on and off at different stations. At
times you're going uptown or down.
It all depends on where you want to
go. And if you decide to change your
destination, you can always transfer
to another line. We all choose when
to get on and off. And even if there
are delays, ultimately we get to where
we want to go. It just takes some time.
Lesson learned - enjoy the ride.
I found out that I lost a dear friend. She
was a very private lady hence I will not
be providing any details. Let me simply
say that she was unique, smart, funny,
and after our first meeting we "clicked."
For several years we were neighbors.
The type of friends who can dine on the
spur of the moment. We always enjoyed
each other's company and while we were
close - she kept her cards closer. Thus I
had no idea she was seriously ill. Nor as
I've been told, did she. Now she's gone.
Lesson learned - stay connected.
We celebrated Frank's lovely Mother's
birthday at The Mint. Don't even think
about asking because I'm not telling you
how old she is. However trust me, she's
an inspiration to us all. Not only is she
a beautiful and elegant lady, she is truly
the kindest and sweetest soul you'll ever
know. A year ago she was deathly ill in
the hospital and that same night we all
thought we were losing her. Hence last
night's celebration was a love fest. You
see, we know how precious life truly is.
Lesson learned - live for today.
I answered the phone and returned
to the real world. Actually, for the
first time in months I discussed an
opportunity. I'm not sure exactly
what that means except I guess I'm
not dead yet! While I rarely miss
corporate America, I miss helping
others be the best they can be. One
of life's greatest gifts are the friends
I've made along the way. Companies
come and go - yet thankfully former
colleagues still call, write, and visit.
Lesson learned - never say never.
I finally was given the right to be
your equal. A Montana judge struck
down the state's anti gay marriage
ban. That means that within hours
or days, anyone in love can marry
whoever they choose to love in the
state of Montana. For almost twenty
years I've loved the one I share my
life with. While as married as two
unmarried people could be, now it's
our choice whether we make it legal.
Lesson learned - miracles happen
every day, even in Montana!