Monday, November 17, 2014


Global warming
As in all things... everything is relative.
Yesterday our high hit the low twenties.
Suddenly with the sun's help our frozen
tundra started to melt. And while what
was left re-coagulated last night, slowly
our deep freeze is dissipating. While we
certainly didn't run about in shorts - the
thirty degree temperature swing towards
the positive direction got me out of the
house. Thankfully, our thermostats hit
the low seventies and while it's all not
fixed, we're blessed to enjoy a respite in
which we can fix our ill chill problems.
Weather or not
It's amazing how quickly one's life can
change for the better or worse within a
twinkling of an eye. Even if that means
nothing truly dramatic, a simple shift in
attitude can take us from better or worse.
Thankfully we're on the upswing given
we're welcoming house guests during the
Thanksgiving holiday. On the big day we
will have twelve for dinner. Slowly I've
started planning, hunting, and gathering.
You see, when you live off the grid, you
have to plan ahead. And if you don't -
well then you're totally out of luck.
Be prepared
A week ago we had the family over for
dinner. A redux of our Roman odyssey,
the menu was Italiano. Frankly I didn't
have my act together. Rather than plan
or pre-order, I waited til it was too late.
Initially my menu was Osso Buco. Yet
upon querying my butcher I discovered
that they had NO veal shanks. My next
option was another favorite but sadly
again, NO lamb shanks. So I thought...
maybe a veal roast? NADA. After that
I didn't bother to ask about tripe, squid,
or fresh prawns in the shell. My BAD!
Back up plan
All was not lost. Ultimately I roasted a pork
loin covered with a puree of fresh sage and
garlic topped with Pancetta. The fact is we
can purchase almost anything we need here
at our local grocer. It's only the truly exotic
items that seem to be an issue. Hence one
must have their act together. And honestly,
the longer I'm out of the mix, the harder it
is to stay focused. It's not that I've lost my
drive, it's simply that I've mellowed. While
life in Montana may be sans veal shanks -
I'm very happy. That's because ultimately
one realizes you don't have to have it all.
Hop to it
Don't assume that life in the boonies
doesn't have it's surprises. I recently
found out via ""J" that some locals
are raising organic rabbits. If only
I'd known. I could have prepared my
favorite protein. Soon we should be
dining on roasted coniglio just like
the Romans. Or we'll all enjoy a lapin
cassoulet that a Parisian would crave.
Maybe we'll serve up a spicy curried
rabbit masala for the Mumbai at heart.
In truth it's not where you live... but
how you live! No excuses - live it up!