Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Something to chew on...

Before play
Sometimes the prelude is better than the
concerto. At least that's how I feel when
it comes to cocktails and hors d'oeuvres.
While at this point in life I'm more than
jaded, the anticipation of a newly mixed
drink and tasty tidbits is certainly more
than enough incentive for me to stop by
for a visit. If dinner follows well, so be
it. Chances are that after I've had more
that a few, I may not remember what you
dish out. That said, I rarely forget a good
spread on a coffee table. Or nibbling on
goodies served to me on a silver tray.
Something to be thankful for
After all, Thanksgiving dinner is a
fait accompli given it's components
were established eons ago. Hence
few are filled with anticipation over
the main course. Shouldn't there be
some sort of reward for the faithful?
They shower, dress, and drive miles
just to sip and sup. As a host, isn't it
your job to serve up something that
inspires their gratitude? The secret
to a satisfied guest is making them
happy from the get go. And there's
no better way than "Snix Snax!"
Surprise party
I'm not sure who first coined the phrase
but little thrilled my Mother and Aunt
Millie more than this part of the menu.
Prior to the big event they'd gather and
hunt down unique holiday appetizers.
While often the end result was anything
but appetizing, it certainly differed from
our daily fare. Hence I find the memory
of their passion rather inspiring. Don't
worry, my guests will not be subjected
to mini meatballs stewed in grape jelly.
However I should be serving something
new. My problem is, I have no idea what.
Family affairs
Here in Montana Frank's clan gathers quite
frequently. At each event, whoever hosts
puts out a rather decadent array of cheeses,
charcuterie, and crudités. Thus whenever
we gather we always start things off right.
While finding gourmet goodies is a bit
challenging here in Lewistown, somehow
we all do a damned good job. My problem
is how can one improve upon something
that's fabulous? As it's already been said -
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" Plus while
I'd love to wow the crowd, I'd rather not
miss out on any precious family time!
Solo cup
One theory is that we should simply
skip the foreplay and go straight to
the main event. However it's rather
awkward to stand around and chat
for thirty minutes without nothing
to do. Yes, we do "fill up" on all of
those goodies. But given many don't
like turkey... somebody has to feed
them! Most important, no one likes
to drink alone. Hence sipping one's
Sazerac sans savories is rather sad.
It just doesn't seem civilized, cordial,
or congenial. Pass the tray please!
Don't worry, be happy
Rather than drive ourselves nuts, we've
decided to go with the status quo during
the cocktail hour this Thanksgiving. No
worries - our spread will be nothing to
dread. We plan to serve the best of the
best to our best. But what's even more
exciting is that instead of hiding in the
kitchen as we carve cute little canapés
out of carrots, we'll be sitting pretty in
front of the fire. This year we plan to
start the day off right with our family,
a cocktail, and some "snix snax." Now
that's something to be thankful for!