Friday, September 20, 2019

If that doesn't take the cake...

Instant gratification
In our instant world of social media,
many of us have become addicted to
"sharing" our lives. While I often enjoy
living vicariously through Instagram,
I must say that sometimes too much of
a good thing is exactly that. All of this
comes to you via a gentleman who daily
spills his guts via the blogosphere. But
the difference is that one actually has to
put some thought into what one writes
and not just spew as the spirit moves.
Is it all that exciting to know it all?! Or
have we thrown caution to the internet?

Past perfect
My daily life fuels my perspective
and therefore motivate my rambling.
As today's blog title indicates, I did
bake a... cake. For many years I've
baked many a Decadent Chocolate
Cake courtesy of the Silver Palate
Cookbook. This archaic tome was
once the bible for most cooks in the
eighties. Along with Julia Child and
I'll admit Martha Stewart... Julee
Rosso and Sheila Lukins helped me
craft decades of memorable meals.
To this day I rely on their wisdom.
Please pass the...
Recipes are like old friends. Most
of our mothers had some sort of
collection they went back to time
and time again. Once one finds the
perfect one, it's hard to venture out
of one's comfort zone. Ultimately
rather than boring, these tried and
true favorites become childhood
memories that are handed down
from generation to generation. My
mother was not exactly what one
would call a cook yet I would now
KILL for her Potato Salad recipe.
Love potion
Over the years Decadent Chocolate
Cakes have reigned over most of my
life's celebrations. Tried and true they
never fail to delight. I actually don't
like to bake. The chemistry required
for confections is too limiting for this
culinary adventurer. Yet somehow,
I play the rules with this one recipe.
Maybe I've finally learned that once
in awhile you must tow the line in
order to get what you want? NO! It's
simply accepting that somebody else
has a formula for success so why fail?
Sweet memories
My resemblance to the Pillsbury
Dough Boy aside, there is truth
in the statement "Lovin' from the
oven"! Somehow the gesture of
combining a morass of disparate
ingredients into something magical
is the perfect way to show you care.
For most of her life, Frank's mother
was known as the "cookie lady".
Whenever we arrived or departed,
her Molasses cookies were served
up as gestures of her affection.
What could be sweeter than that?
Cherry bomb
While we've dined at many of the
world's best restaurants, I actually
can't remember what I ate. Whereas
when queried about what was the
best thing I've ever consumed, my
rapid fire answer is easy. Frank's
dearly departed Mom's Cherry Pie.
From it's flaky crust to tart cherry
filling, every bite was intoxicating
and unforgettable. Just like the lady
herself. Somehow a liberal dash of
love makes everything taste better.
And trust me... it was delicious!