Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Given the renewed drama about the ending "Obamacare"
this 2013 blog (with updated information) remains shockingly relevant. 
When will we ever find a solution to our medical insurance crisis?

Intensive care
Post renewed "Obamacare" fuss
I find myself dreaming of days
gone by. While not ancient, I
grew up in a kinder, gentler era.
Physicians were members of our
extended family. Trusted advisors
who sat at our bedside whenever
we were sick. Somewhere along
the way we lost our way and now
the patient is in critical condition.
Medical emergency
Politics aside, without medical
insurance you might as well be
dead. In my youth I tried to pay
obscene medical bills due to a
lack of insurance. Only to give
up and file for bankruptcy!
Pre existing condition
If it can happen to me, what of
those in more dire straights? Is
proper health coverage a right
or an earned privilege? Many
argue one must pay as they go
but is that fair? In the old days
doctors adjusted their fees based
on a patient's circumstances.
Today's system is too large and
too strong to allow anomalies.
If you don't fit in, you're out.
Now many are afraid to get sick.
Has it always been that way?

The doctor is in
In the late 1960s while spending
the summer in New England, my
mother fell ill. A friend referred
her to a doctor in Tamworth,
New Hampshire. A country doc
more reminiscent of a Rockwell
cover painting than Dr. Kildaire,
Dr. Edwin Crafts Remick was a
seasoned professional who later
became a beloved family friend.

House call
A second generation physician,
Dr. Remick practiced out of his
circa 1808 farmstead. His office
was filled with equipment used
daily by he and his father for
over 100 years. Within minutes
this country doctor diagnosed
Ethel's ills plus a few others
missed by Park Avenue's best.
Second Opinion
For years after, my parents
made an annual pilgrimage to
Dr. Remick for their physicals.
Year round "Doc" was just a
phone call away for advice,
and a long distance diagnosis.
Never retiring, he died at age
89 just after seeing a patient.
Home remedy
Until her death Ethel lamented
the loss of Dr. Remick and other
"old fashioned doctors". While
writing this blog I googled him.
To my surprise his home is now
a museum - find out more. My
discovery brought me to tears!
A shot in the arm
In his final year of practice,
Dr. Remick charged $17.50 for
an office visit or house call. In
today's economy that's $44.32.
Double the average co-pay yet
under the 2018 average of
$125 per fifteen minute visit
(source: American Medical
Association). While I'm not
optimistic about anything that
may come out of Washington,
there must be a better way. In
the meantime we're all are risk.