Saturday, April 18, 2015


Civil service
There's nothing quite as civilized
as having a few friends over for
cocktails. Mixing it up requires
more than a degree in mixology.
The perfect blend of guests is also
key to an evening's success. Here
in rural Montana, a liberal dose of
lubrication can often be welcome
after a long day out on the range.
Somehow sipping a magical elixir
makes the world a happier place.
Especially if shared with friends.
Who wouldn't drink to that?
Time out
My parents were tea totalers and so
I didn't grow up in house where six
o'clock was a ticket to nirvana. Yet
while no alcohol was poured they
enjoyed a chilled glass of tomato
juice, a slice of lemon, and each
other's company prior to dinner. It
doesn't matter what you sip prior to
supping. Or for that matter, whether
one sips at all! What's important is
to pause and reflect upon the days
events. What better way to rehash
and reconnect than upon one's sofa?
The pause that refreshes
Everyone seems to be constantly running
hither and yon. Yet sadly, along the way
we seem to have lost the ability to enjoy
each other's company. I can't emphasize
enough the importance of stop, look, and
listen. An early evening cocktail enables
one to stop the mania and relax for a few
minutes. A leisurely hour of reflection
enables one to take a fresh look at life's
blessings. Most important, having the
chance to truly listen to what your better
half is actually saying is almost always
more than illuminating. Have another?!
Free for all
While alcohol can adversely effect -
used cautiously it frees the soul.
The subsequent free flow facilities
an open dialogue unlike normal chit
chat. While I would never suggest
getting blotto - quietly letting one's
hair down amongst friends is most
certainly therapeutic. Rather than
share one's secrets to a shrink, it's
much more fun to blab with your
"besties". Given they've hopefully
had as much as you have, no one
will remember a thing tomorrow.
Wuz did you say?
I'm certain that most of you have
experienced some sort of morning
after. There's nothing worse than
awakening with a mistake lying
next to you snoring. Hence when
I was single, I never drank while
out and about. The odds were that
even sober - I wasn't going to find
my Prince Charming. Therefore
why tempt fate with blurry vision?
Some feel the need to sip a dose of
liquid bravery. But my advice is
less... is much more safe and smart.
Why don't you?
Given it's Saturday - why don't you
invite a few folks over for drinks?
Beyond setting out a plate of cheese
and some crackers (plus some olives
if you want to indulge your guests),
you don't have to cook. And as long
as you make an 8 p.m. reservation
elsewhere, there's an expiration date
on the festivities. Therefore there's no
excuse for anybody overstaying their
welcome. Most important, you'll have
some fun and isn't that what life is all
about? Don't worry... BE HAPPY!