Thursday, May 22, 2014

If I had a hammer...

Borrowed dreams
Transitioning into a new home requires
much patience plus a plethora of tools.
It seems that everywhere I turn some
sort of equipment is necessary to install
or assemble. With all of our possessions
in multiple places, I rarely find the right
tool for the job. That's when I wander
downstairs to our contractor's bench to
poach one or two tidbits. Often I feel as
if I'm borrowing one of Mike's children.
One can sense the emotional connection
he has for these battered, worn, and yet
treasured foundlings. They are loved.
First aid
I can understand. One of my treasured
possessions is an enamel ware pot lid
that was my Mother's. While I can live
without memories of Ethel's cooking,
I fondly recall the clang of said lid as
Ethel destroyed some slab of protein.
Whether a pot lid, slotted spoon, claw
hammer, or screw driver, we all have
a collection of old friends who we rely
on daily. They're there no matter what!
Temporary help
Not everything essential is ancient.
Occasionally something new enters
our life and becomes indispensable.
My trusty Apple is a necessary evil.
How did we survive before having
a computer? While important, few
have a deep emotional connection
with their laptop. Instead most are
apt to dump their daily companion
for a newer, better model any time!
Could it be that deep down we don't
trust technology? It's not as reliable
as a treasured vegetable peeler!
Hand to hand
What is the difference between a power
tool and a laptop? Certainly many of us
use both everyday and therefore each
plays an essential role. In a pinch I can
handle replacing my MAC. However I
freak out whenever my favorite hammer
is amiss. It seems that if some form of
physical labor is involved we form an
emotional bond with our help mate.
Once that happens, what others might
deem junk becomes a treasured jewel,
sacred grail, and reliable companion.
Somehow we can't live without them!
Sadly after we're gone, few share
that connection. Like cast offs in
Toy Story, our beloved tools end
up on a tag sale table. Forgotten
and forlorn they wait for someone
new to love them. Often what was
once useful lands in the dumpster
or charity donation box. Why isn't
there a tool department at the local
Goodwill store? If cast off vases
merit a stay of execution, don't old
tools also deserve a second chance?
Maybe it's time for adopt-a-tool...