Thursday, October 2, 2014


Wonders never cease
After a week in Manhattan, truly the
most amazing miracle occurred. We
bought absolutely NOTHING. Did
you hear that Bergdorf Goodman,
Barneys, Saks, et al?! Nada, zilch,
zero. Frankly I'm still in a state of
consumeristic shock. It's not like we
didn't improve the greater New York
economy. We drank and ate our way
voraciously throughout our visit. But
this time our time was well spent on
friends and experiences, not things.
And what could possibly be better?
I've got plenty of nuthin'
The fact is we have more than enough of just
about anything we could ever possibly want
or need back in Montana. Our multiple and
commodious closets are packed to the point
of bursting with clothing and accouterments
we'll never wear again. And believe it or not,
I've got all the china I want or need. But the
miracle is that NOTHING appealed to either
of us. NOTHING seemed new. NOTHING
surprised or even slightly engaged us. Hence
we bought NOTHING. And that my friends
is more than a rare occasion - it's a first. If
you ever doubted miracles, start believing.
That funny feeling
I can't quite explain the sensation.
But somehow the very fact that
nothing new is in my suitcase is
beyond refreshing. After unpacking
more crap than I ever thought was
possible over the last few months,
I've come to the conclusion that
more is a nuisance. Hence one truly
can have too much of a good thing.
As we purge the Passion Pit there's
little motivation to add to the pile of
debris up for grabs. We simply don't
need another thing unless...
I can't get no...
Every time we looked at anything
both of us said (or thought) "wait
until Italy". Part of me knows that
we'll leave behind a few Euros while
there. Yet something is different.
I can't help but think that somewhere
deep within us has blossomed a most
amazing thing... SATISFACTION.
While we don't have it all - we have
more than enough. And in reality,
what we crave nobody is selling in
Lewistown, New York, or Rome.
What we've got few others have.
All this and heaven too
I know it seems trite but we lack for
NOTHING. Unbelievably blessed,
there's little we want for. I'm not talking
about material possessions - instead it's
all about what's truly important. What
Frank and I share on a daily basis is
beyond precious. While our partnership
may not be validated by the state of
Montana nor the Catholic church - it's
the best thing that ever happened to both
of us. I need nothing more because in
Frank I have everything and more.
NOTHING could be better than that!